State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School


A Snowman’s Toils Under the Sun

Tuesday March 5, 2019. 7:31am. Waking up to my birthday—there actually IS something new under the sun!

One morning, a tiny snowman appears, seated on a bench near the corner of 112th Street and Broadway in New York City, a couple of blocks from Columbia University’s Earth Institute. Someone must have picked up some of last night’s snow and decided to do something nice with it. It’s cold today—low of 20 degrees F, way below average for this time of year. Climate change … pooh! A good day to be snowman! Let’s take a picture every time we go by. Maybe we will learn something.

3:47pm. Someone has brought me a warm drink, and dressed me more nicely. Life is good. Thank you, New York!
Wednesday, 8:07am. Was yesterday just a dream? Weather still quite cold, but the sun seems to have gotten in my eyes. I am having trouble opening them.
Wednesday, 4:10pm. Ah, thank you kind passerby, I can see again. And it’s still pretty cold, second full day in a row. I heard people walking by talking about this thing called climate change. But it’s cold today–it must be hoax. I am going to live forever. Yay!
Thursday, 7:40am. Wait. Does anyone notice something has happened? Can someone help, please? Someone has put a coffee down—and it’s an iced coffee! But I don’t think it’s for me.
Thursday, 4:32pm. I’m sure things are going to get better. Still kinda cold. But that sun—ouch!
Friday, 8:10am. Got through the night OK, such as it is. Still below freezing. Hoax! If only I could get my head back, everything would be all right.
Friday, 4:54pm. There is still hope. I know there is. Hoax.
Saturday, 4pm. The sun also rises, and the sun goes down. Maybe I was misinformed.

Related: Continuing Trend, 2018 Was One of Warmest Years on Record

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5 years ago

RIP little snowman, you’ll be missed.