State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

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Webinar Sept. 8 on Proposed Sustainable Development Goals

AESSLogoBannerLB3Researcher Magdalena A K Muir will present a live webinar, “The UN Sustainable Development Goals: Setting an Agenda for Sustainability,” as part of the Association for Environmental Studies and Educators Webinar Series.

The seminar takes place on Sept. 8 from noon to 2 p.m. EST, and you can visit Eventbrite to register here.

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The webinar presentation and moderated discussion will introduce and discuss the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and related targets, which were released in the July 19 consensus outcome document negotiated by the Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals.

The SDGs, their targets, and the indicators that have yet to be negotiated, have the potential to set national and international agendas for sustainability in the coming years, and particular during the post-2015 era. The webinar and subsequent discussion will explore goals for agriculture, biodiversity, climate, energy, water, and sustainable consumption and production, and how these might be implemented in the U.S., North America and Europe. It will also focus on how the SDGs may affect the global development agenda, and drive public and private finance and partnerships in developed and developing countries.

Muir is an adjunct associate researcher with the Columbia Climate Center and The Earth Institute, Columbia University; visiting scholar at the College of Earth, Ocean and Environment, University of Delaware; and associate professor, Aarhus University Herning. The research for the webinar has taken place under a Fulbright Scholarship being implemented with the Columbia Climate Center. The webinar will be hosted by Wil Burns, president of the Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences.

The outcome document will be considered by the UN General Assembly this fall. The Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals included representatives from most major UN countries and voting blocks, so the consensus outcome document is likely to be substantially adopted by all countries at the General Assembly. Civil society was also active in the development of the outcome document, with more than 6,000 filings and presentations during the course of these negotiations.

Further information on the Open Working Group for Sustainable Development Goals and the outcome document is located here.

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