State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School

A Discussion: Environmental Sustainability and Corporate Decisions

Afternoon Discussion on: Environmental Sustainability and Corporate Decision-Making
with Jeffrey Potent
Environmental Protection Specialist, Office of Water, United States Environmental Protection Agency & Adjunct Professor, Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs

Friday, October 5th; 3:00-4:30PM
1015 Schermerhorn Extension
Columbia University Morningside Campus

Professor Potent offers his insights on corporate sustainability, addressing:
– How this corporate sustainability differs from previous environmental management approaches and the new drivers for corporate action;
– How conservation biology supports business decision-making and what this means for both the natural world and the future of business;
– How a business focus on natural assets may change the field of conservation biology; and,
– What professional opportunities will likely emerge.

Interested in Learning More? Contact:
Desmond Beirne, Program Coordinator, at or 212-854-0149.

Jeffrey Potent serves with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water in Washington, DC. He leads corporate sustainability initiatives within the agriculture sector, contributes to the development of water quality trading and markets for other ecosystem services, and regulates livestock and poultry agricultural operations.

Previously, Jeff led technical assistance services in industrial energy and environmental management, and developed air and water pollution prevention programs, leading an energy and environmental management industrial technical assistance service, developing pollution prevention, air and water programs for the New York City Department of Environmental Protection, and global telecommunications planning with ITT Corporation.

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