State of the Planet

News from the Columbia Climate School


Climate Services: Power in Numbers

This is the tenth and final interview in our series on the International Conference on Climate Services, held at Columbia University last October. All of the videos in the series are here

Steve Zebiak on the Climate Services Partnership from IRI on Vimeo.

In this interview, the IRI’s Stephen Zebiak describes the fledgling Climate Services Partnership, which was a key outcome of the International Conference on Climate Services. Developing useful climate services requires overcoming both institutional and technical hurdles, he says.

“Many countries and organizations investing in climate services recognize the challenge here [and] fully recognize the importance of addressing them so we can actually have more resilent societies–societies that are better able to manage ever-changing risks and seize opportunities associated with an ever-changing climate.

There is power in numbers here. There’s an ability to put our various experiences and knowledge together, to share the resource we have in ways to make more rapid progress in learning and creating new knowledge that will better enable climate services.”

Learn more on the ICCS website and the Climate Services Partnership.

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